Inaugural Meeting of the Graduate Work-in-Progress Series “New Border Imaginaries in an Age of Security," December 5, 2024

December 2, 2024

Image of a person holding binoculars

Bodies, Borders, and Infrared Surveillance Technologies

Isabella Faye Williams
Graduate Student, Department of French

Thursday, December 5, 2024 
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Library of French Thought, 4229 Dwinelle Hall

Reception to follow

Borders are key sites for the exercise of authoritarian power. They territorialize space and bind certain bodies to the nation while expelling others. Despite their novelty, border technologies freight long histories of predation, extraction, enslavement and colonialism. “New Border Imaginaries in an Age of Security” explores violence and resistance at US and global borders, with the aim of cultivating new approaches to territorial borders and species boundaries.  Convened by Professors Debarati Sanyal (French) and Rhiannon Welch (Italian Studies), this interdisciplinary series of graduate student works-in-progress is part of “A Counter-Imaginary in Authoritarian Times,” a joint project of the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry and the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs that develops strategies to counteract new forms of authoritarianism.

Supported by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
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