On Thursday, February 1, 2024, the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Program in Critical Theory co-presented Fascism: An Eternal Recurrence?, a panel conversation centered on the question: "What is fascism today?". Panelists included Dylan Riley (Sociology, UC Berkeley), Alexei Yurchak (Anthropology, UC Berkeley), Blanca Missé (French, SFSU), and Ilya Budraitskis (Critical Theory, UCB), with moderation by Aglaya Glebova, (European Modern Art, UC Berkeley). The four panelists discussed modern expressions of authoritarian policies globally, emphasizing recent instances of fascist and far-right political regimes such as Putin's Russia and Marine Le Pen's far-right party National Rally, previously known as National Front, in France.
The event was extremely well attended with a full house and a lively Q&A session was held after the discussion. A recording of the event will be available soon on YouTube. Subscribe to our YouTube channel at this link
Continue the spirit of communal engagement and intellectual investment by reading some of our panelist's work, such as Budraitskis's article "Putinism: A new form of fascism?" (Spectre Journal 2022) and Riley's "Capitalism and democracy" (Lua Nova 2022).
This event was co-presented by the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Program in Critical Theory.