
Help us support cross-divisional collaborations in order to address some of the most urgent political, social, religious and environmental questions of our time. We support collaborations between the arts, humanities, law, and the sciences (social, natural and digital) to address contemporary global challenges.

Your gift facilitates research and academic activities across disciplinary and departmental lines at UC Berkeley, leveraging opportunities for exchange, programming, and dissemination within campus and to a global audience.

Make an online gift below, or contact the Division of Arts & Humanitites Development Team with any questions.

Please also consider donating to our programs directly at the links below: 

The Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion Fund

The Program in Critical Theory Fund

water color of a building

The Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry

University of California, Berkeley
440 Stephens Hall, MC 2340
Berkeley, CA 94720-2340