October 20, 2023
Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall
Demos Anxiety: “Great Replacement” Theory and Democracy is a daylong symposium that gathers scholars from a range of disciplines (literature, sociology, law) to reflect on conspiracy theories about population replacement. Despite its extremism, “The Great Replacement” theory has worked its way into mainstream political discourses about race, immigration, and religious difference. A driving force behind attacks from Charlottesville, VA to Christchurch, New Zealand, replacement theory’s demographic anxieties are imperiling democracy. How do anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-immigrant, and Islamophobic conspiracy theories change according to their settings? What are commonalities and distinctions between their manifestations in the United States, France, Europe, India, or Tunisia? What are political and cultural engagements that challenge the phantasms and passions stoked by population replacement conspiracies? How can we cultivate and mobilize a powerful counter-imaginary to “demos anxiety”?
Programming Information
10:00 - 10:10 AM | Opening Remarks
Debarati Sanyal, symposium organizer and director of CICI
10:10 - 11:00 AM | Lecture
Eric Fassin (Université Paris 8), The Word Turned Upside Down: Intellectual Anti-intellectualism, Orwellian Rhetorics & the Politics of Truth
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Lecture
Dorian Bell (UC Santa Cruz), Jews Will Not Replace Us': Antisemitism and the Great Replacement Theory
12:00 - 1:30 PM | Break
1:30 - 2:30 PM | Lecture
Christy Wampole (Princeton University), Demografiction: On Population and Storytelling
2:30 - 3:30 PM | Lecture
Sarah Bracke (University of Amsterdam), Symptoms of Disavowal: Replacement Conspiracy Theories and White Supremacist Paranoia
3:45 - 4:45 PM | Lecture
Patricia Williams (Northeastern University), The Politics of Splintering Meaning: 'Anti-CRT' and the Rhetoric of Reversal?
4:45 - 5:45 PM | Roundtable Discussion
Cécile Alduy (Stanford University), Donna Jones (UC Berkeley), Lawrence Rosenthal (UC Berkeley), and Aarti Sethi (UC Berkeley)
5:45 - 6:00 PM |Public Discussion
For more information about the content of this event, please contact info.cici@berkeley.edu.
Demos Anxiety: "Great Replacement" Theory and Democracy is presented by the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry. We are deeply grateful to our co-sponsors: the Center for Race and Gender, Center for Right-Wing Studies, Department of English, and Townsend Center for the Humanities.